
Welcome to PCSOLotto.net is an Online PCSO Lotto Results. Helping you Find the Latest

Philippine PCSO Lotto Results

for Ultra Lotto 6/58, Grand Lotto 6/55, Super Lotto 6/49, Mega Lotto 6/45, Lotto 6/42, 6Digit, 4Digit, Swertres, and EZ2 lotto, provided by the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO)

PCSO Lotto Draw Schedules

PCSO Lotto Draw Schedules

PCSO 9 PM draws are aired daily by PTV. Lotto draws are also being livestreamed at the official Facebook page of PCSO. This site also gives you the latest lotto result after each PCSO draw.

Check out the all PCSO lotto result history for the past lotto draws. The most up-to-date and reliable source of lotto results in the Philippines.

PCSO Lotto Draw live draws for Ez2 Lotto, Swertres Lotto, Small Town Lottery, 4Digit, 6Digit, Lotto 6/42, Mega Lotto 6/45, Super Lotto 6/49, Grand Lotto 6/55 Ultra Lotto 6/58.

  1. 6/58 Ultra Lotto Draws Every Sunday, Tuesday and Friday at 9:00 p.m.
    you may also check our ultra lotto result for the past lotto draws.
  2. 6/55 Grand Lotto draw schedule is held every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday you may also check our grand lotto result history for the past lotto draws.
  3. 6/49 SuperLotto Draws Every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 9:00 p.m. you may also check our super lotto result history for the past lotto draws.
  4. 6/45 MegaLotto Draws Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:00 p.m. you may also check our mega lotto result history for the past lotto draws.
  5. 6/42 Lotto Draws Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 9:00 p.m. you may also check our ultra lotto result history for the past lotto draws.
  6. 6-Digit Lotto Draws Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 9:00 p.m. you may also check our 6 digit result history for the past lotto draws.
  7. 4-Digit Lotto Draws Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:00 p.m. you may also check our 4 digit result history for the past lotto draws.
  8. 3-Digit Suertres Draws Everyday at 11 a.m., 4 p.m and 9:00 p.m. you may also check our swertres result history for the past lotto draws.
  9. EZ2 Lotto Draws Everyday at 11 a.m., 4 p.m and 9:00 p.m. you may also check our ez2 lotto result history for the past lotto draws. 
  10. Small Town Lottery Draws Everyday at 11 a.m., 4 p.m and 9:00 p.m.

10 comments to '' PCSO Lotto Draw Schedules "

  1. Meron ba live stream sa lotto draw

  2. Pwedi hingi suertres # para bukas 11am para mka uwi na ako sa aming probensya miss ko na Sila mama..!

  3. Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) daily draw updates

  4. These are the topics that our readers discuss on this page: lotto draw schedule, pcso lotto draw schedule, schedule of lotto draw, pcso draw schedule, schedule of lotto and much more!

  5. Monday

    11:00 am, 04:00 pm and 09:00 pm draw:
    EZ2 Lotto
    Suertres Lotto
    STL 2-Digits
    STL Pares
    STL Swer3

    09:00 pm draw:
    4 Digit Game
    Megalotto 6/45
    Grand Lotto 6/55


    11:00 am, 04:00 pm and 09:00 pm draw:
    EZ2 Lotto
    Suertres Lotto
    STL 2-Digits
    STL Pares
    STL Swer3

    09:00 pm draw:
    6 Digit Game
    Lotto 6/42
    Super Lotto 6/49
    Ultra Lotto 6/58


    11:00 am, 04:00 pm and 09:00 pm draw:
    EZ2 Lotto
    Suertres Lotto
    STL 2-Digits
    STL Pares
    STL Swer3

    09:00 pm draw:
    4 Digit Game
    Megalotto 6/45
    Grand Lotto 6/55


    11:00 am, 04:00 pm and 09:00 pm draw:
    EZ2 Lotto
    Suertres Lotto
    STL 2-Digits
    STL Pares
    STL Swer3

    09:00 pm draw:
    6 Digit Game
    Lotto 6/42
    Super Lotto 6/49


    11:00 am, 04:00 pm and 09:00 pm draw:
    EZ2 Lotto
    Suertres Lotto
    STL 2-Digits
    STL Pares
    STL Swer3

    09:00 pm draw:
    4 Digit Game
    Megalotto 6/45
    Grand Lotto 6/58


    11:00 am, 04:00 pm and 09:00 pm draw:
    EZ2 Lotto
    Suertres Lotto
    STL 2-Digits
    STL Pares
    STL Swer3

    09:00 pm draw:
    6 Digit Game
    Lotto 6/42
    Grand Lotto 6/55


    11:00 am, 04:00 pm and 09:00 pm draw:
    EZ2 Lotto
    Suertres Lotto
    STL 2-Digits
    STL Pares
    STL Swer3

    09:00 pm draw:
    Super Lotto 6/49
    Ultra Lotto 6/58

    Below is the list of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) lotto games and their draw schedule.

    4 Digits every Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 9PM.
    6 Digits every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday at 9PM.
    EZ2 daily at 11AM, 4PM and 9PM.
    3 Digits or Swetres daily at 11AM, 4PM and 9PM.
    6/42 Lotto every Tuesday, Saturday at 9PM.
    Mega Lotto 6/45 every Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 9PM.
    Super Lotto 6/49 every Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday at 9PM.
    Grand Lotto 6/55 every Monday, Wednesday, Saturday at 9PM.

  7. These schedule may change during the Christmas and New Year celebrations. There are no PCSO lotto games draws held during the Holy week.

  8. As you can see each time a ball is let out of the drum the chances are decreased by one. You began with a 1/56 possibility, then, at that point, 바카라사이트 allslotscasino.org

  9. Please Po. Isang Numero lng po

  10. Sana pwede n lng tumaya sa pcso website through e-wallet. Para di n pumila sa lotto outlet.
